Donna Cameron, a Supervising Assistant Prosecutor in the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, was one of only 10 prosecutors from across the nation to be awarded a Rondini Scholarship.
The scholarship will fund her attendance at the conference on Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, and Fighting for Change, where prosecutors, judges, crime victims, and others will discuss how to combat sexual assault, domestic violence, and related crimes. Cameron was selected for the scholarship based on her “exceptional commitment to enhancing her skills to respond competently and compassionately to sexual assault victims.”
“I prosecute juveniles charged with sexual assault, which must be handled with great care,” said Cameron, who works in the Juvenile Unit. “It’s essential that the voices of crime victims are heard, yet we have an obligation to rehabilitate youth offenders whenever possible. The training I will receive at this conference will enhance my work.”

The conference is scheduled for early April in Chicago. There, Cameron will participate in workshops focused on best practices for contending with sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, human trafficking, and elder abuse.
Seeking justice for crime victims is Cameron’s primary motivation. In her view, being a prosecutor means giving voice to victims while safeguarding communities. She resides in Essex County and is proud to serve her county.
Anthony Higgins, director of the Juvenile Unit, said Cameron is a 17-year veteran in the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, and is the only assistant prosecutor handling cases where local juveniles are accused of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and similar offenses. Earlier, Cameron worked for the Special Prosecutions Bureau, where she prosecuted cases involving gangs, guns, and narcotics, Higgins said.
Essex County Acting Prosecutor Theodore Stephens II characterized Cameron as a first-rate assistant prosecutor dedicated to seeking justice for society’s most vulnerable crime victims.
“It didn’t surprise me to learn that Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Cameron was one of only 10 prosecutors from the entire U.S. chosen for this competitive scholarship,” said Stephens. “I congratulate her and know that she will return from the conference an even better prosecutor and a stronger advocate for justice.”