Tresor Gopaul, 30, of Montclair pled guilty today before the Honorable Peter V. Ryan, Judge of the Superior Court, to second degree theft by unlawful taking. Gopaul is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Ryan on May 30, 2014.
As Borough registrar, Gopaul was responsible for maintaining birth, marriage and death certificates, and for collecting fees when issuing official certificates. Gopaul admitted that he had been regularly skimming cash paid to the Borough for birth, death and marriage certificates beginning in 2010 and keeping the money for himself. In small increments over three years, his theft added up to $82,981, until he was suspended in August 2013 when his scheme was uncovered.
Assistant Prosecutor Adam B. Wells, who handled the case, said Gopaul is expected to be sentenced to five years in New Jersey state prison under the plea deal. The State will seek full restitution from Gopaul. He is also required to forfeit all current and future public employment.
Following the plea, A.P. Wells said, “Mr. Gopaul held a position of trust within the government of Glen Ridge, and he violated that trust by stealing from the people he served. He will now face the consequences for his actions.”