This Policy provides uniform guidelines for the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office (“ECPO”) authorized body worn camera recording system (BWC). The purpose of deploying BWCs is the accurate documentation of interactions between law enforcement and members of the public during arrests and other critical incidents. This Policy also establishes protocols for the maintenance, storage, and preservation of BWC recordings in order to maintain the lawful chain of custody.
It is the policy of the ECPO to use body worn video/audio cameras (BWC) to assist agency personnel in the performance of their duties by providing an accurate and unbiased recorded account of Attorney General mandated incidents. Note that ECPO law enforcement personnel and law enforcement personnel on loan from other law enforcement agencies are considered non-uniformed, investigative and detective personnel and as such, are not subject to the Attorney General BWC requirements for uniformed patrol personnel. However, under Attorney General Policy, ECPO personnel must often be equipped with BWCs, for instance when executing pre-planned arrests or search warrants, when participating in tactical assignments or as further provided by the Attorney General’s Policy.
All personnel (sworn and civilian) shall use BWC equipment (including accessing recordings) consistent with manufacturer’s guidelines, applicable laws and statutes, this Policy, and those policies or guidelines issued by the New Jersey Attorney General. Failure to use this technology in accordance with this Policy, applicable laws and statutes, and those policies or guidelines issued by the New Jersey Attorney General can result in disciplinary action.
The Essex County Prosecutor’s Office has adopted the Motorola V300 to meet the Body Worn Camera policy. The camera is shown in the image below.